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Lamb cutlets with rosemary, white bean puree, rosemary, tomato and garlic jus

2 lamb cutlets, French trimmed
Herb crust (recipe follows)
4 tablespoons thick lamb jus
1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
4-5 sprigs rosemary
2 tablespoons cherry tomatoes
1 tablespoon olive oil
4 tablespoons white bean puree (recipe follows)
50 grams (1/2 cup) cooked spinach
2 fondant potatoes (recipe follows)
Fondant baby globe artichokes (recipe follows)

Roast lamb until pink. Top with herb crust and grill until golden. Heat the lamb jus and add garlic, rosemary, tomatoes and oil.
Arrange the vegetables and white bean puree on the plate. Place lamb as shown and drizzle sauce around.

White Bean Puree
2 shallots, diced
1 clove garlic
Olive oil, as needed
1/4 pound white beans
Chicken stock, as needed
1/4 cup cream
1 tablespoon butter
(Serves 1)
Cook shallots and garlic in olive oil until soft. Add washed white beans, add chicken stock to cover. Simmer until tender. Add cream and butter. Puree until smooth. Pass through chinois (sieve)

Fondant Potatoes
1 large potato
Chicken stock, as needed
Butter, thyme, salt and pepper to taste

Peel potato. Slice lengthwise into 1/2 inch slices. Cut disks with 2-in. plain cutter.
Sauté potato in butter until golden. Place in ceramic/oven proof dish. Fill with chicken stock just below depth of potato. Add butter, thyme, salt to taste. Cook in the oven at medium temperature about 45 minutes or until done. Baste the potato every 10 – 15 minutes to glaze. Check to see the potato is cooked by inserting a cocktail stick.

Fondant baby globe artichoke
1 baby globe artichoke, cut in half
Chicken stock, as needed
Butter, thyme, salt and pepper to taste

Saute artichoke in butter until golden. Place in ceramic/oven-proof dish. Fill with chicken stock just below depth of potatoes. Add butter, thyme, salt to taste. Cook in the oven at medium temperature about 45 minutes or until done. Baste every 10 – 15 minutes to glaze.

Herb crust
400 grams (14 ounces) butter
400 grams (6 cups) bread crumbs
250 grams (1 1/4 cup) mixed herbs, chopped (use rosemary, thyme, or other as desired)
3 egg yolks
4 cloves garlic, minced

Place all ingredients in robot coupe or food processor and process until smooth. Remove and place between 2 sheets of wax paper. Flatten to about 1/4 inch thickness and chill.

Herb-crusted best end of lamb

Chef John Hardwick
Cobbler's Cove

Inspiration for Executive Chefs